Educational content

Some activities…


Main educational objectives

« The migrating people » Platier d’Oye To be more observant.
« From the foreshore to the sand dune » Fort Mahon To be aware of the role and of the fragility of the dune ridge.
« In the shepherd’s furrows » Plateau des Landes The man manages and changes his environment.
« The Aa River, a driving force » Gunpowder factory of Esquerdes To observe the characteristics of a river (stream, meanders…)

To know the biology of the trout

« The expansion of the land over the sea » Fort Vert in Marck To discover the importance of the wet grasslands and of the ponds for the species’ conservation.
«At the pace of the tides» Cape Gris-Nez To understand the tidal cycle.
« Tree, who are you? » Valley of the Scarpe river To get onto the notion of the tree ecosystem
« The trial of Mr Rubus » Waroquerie To be aware of the ecological interests and the interests for the Man of the ordinary nature (brambles, nettles, elder trees…)
« Dunes and marshes on borrowed time » Wissant bay To distinguish the Flemish dunes from the picard ones

To learn about pond cleaning to conserve the ecological diversity

« A patchwork of dunes » Canche bay To put forward the role of a nature reserve

To know how to identify several natural habitats

« The tadpoles path » Marsh of Guînes To get onto the notions of food chain and of interdependence

To know the various management tasks of a protected natural area.

« Along by the stream » Dunes and estuary of the Slack river To know the notion of water cycle

To observe and collect tracks

« On the domain of Férioc… » Dunes of the Mount Saint-Frieux To discover the history and the legends that left marks on the site

To know the wooded dunes and its occupants.

« A patchwork of dunes » Dunes of Ecault To explain the hydrogeology of the site and to understand the existence of temporary streams

To know the main plants in the dunes and their characteristics according to the environment

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